
Online Calculators

Financial Calculator Widgets

These are our most popular free calculator widgets for banks, credit unions, financial advisors, etc. If you'd like a free pop-up widget version of any of our other calculators, go to that calculator to get its code. Detailed instructions are on our help page for Calculator Widgets at CalculatorSoup.

Directions: For each calculator you would like to offer on your own website, copy the HTML code from the text box. Ensure that your web page editor is in code or HTML mode and not design or WYSIWYG mode or the link will not work correctly. Paste the pop-up calculator widget code into your web page, and be sure that your editor displays the raw code just as it appears in these text boxes.

Our calculators are offered indefinitely for you to use free of charge without ads. We ask only that you keep the entire link for each calculator intact, as shown in the text box, and only change the width and height values as needed.

Mortgage Payment Calculator

Mortgage Repayment Calculator

Loan Calculator

Car Loan Calculator

Savings Calculator

Compound Interest Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

How Much House can I Afford?

How Much of a Loan can I Afford?

How Much Car can I Afford?

Retirement Savings Calculator

Federal Income Tax Estimator


Cite this content, page or calculator as:

Furey, Edward "Financial Calculator Widgets" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/financial/website-financial-calculators.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: March 28, 2024

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